Join the FIGT global community for their annual conference March 4-6 at the Westchase Marriott in Houston, TX, USA (hotel rooms only $110/night single to quadruples until Feb 26th). FIGT is a non-profit, educational organization that was co-founded by a missionary who grew up around the globe, Ruth Van Reken. To help understand her own experience and that of others, Ruth wrote the groundbreaking work, Third Culture Kids. For over 10 years, those from the missionary world and many other sectors (military, foreign service, education, corporate, NGO) have shared best practices to help the families of those on overseas assignments survive and thrive while abroad. Ruth will be speaking this year at the conference on Teaching Locally, Thinking Globally. Read more about the FIGT sessions and speakers, including the World Bank, U.S. Department of State, several European and U.S. Universities and many more at