Thanks *so* much to the worker who wrote this past week from Philippines, anonymously, to say, “I am greatly blessed by your newsletter and have availed of some services too. I do not intend to promote any project or our business. God has already blessed us richly and by His grace, we move on! I do have a story about the USD100. Got this as a prize from Paypal for using their site. Not that it’s my habit to join sweepstakes or buy tickets to join such games of chance.  I purchased some items some months ago and wrote something positive about their site, and incidentally was included in one of their draws.  Was really surprised to get a notice about the win! Now, I want to put it to good use by giving to Brigada to help you reach your goal by year-end. Please if you want to acknowledge, just say “anonymous” from the Philippines. Maybe it will encourage some other readers here to contribute to Brigada,who knows?” Shaking my head in awe. Thank you.

Thanks, too, to the ISI worker who also sent $100 this past week. The anonymous worker wrote, “The ISI (International Students, Inc.) ministry team is grateful for the excellent and up-to-date news and resources made available by Brigada. These resources are often very relevant and helpful to us as we seek to reach the nations (international students) from right here, right now. Blessings on your work and ministry.” Thank you ISI! ISI makes lots of resources available in and of themselves, too. Learn more at…

Thanks, too, to the couple from OC Int’l for the gift of $75. Please join them in praying for unreached people in northeastern Brazil.

Finally, we’re grateful to the couple from California who sent $100, enclosing a note that said, ” No particular program, though I appreciate the offer.  I just wanted to support the great work you do – and trust God to continue to provide so that you can continue.” God bless you!!!

Because of these gifts and several others just now arriving with Dec. 31st datelines, we’ve extended the end-of-year deadline for two additional weeks — until January 17th. If you missed the deadline, just date your check Dec. 31, 2009 and send it in *immediately*. We’ll make sure it gets deposited and considered in 2009 charitable contributions, as long as it arrives on or before Jan. 16th.