Learn from pioneers and practitioners of gospel-centered missional community, Feb. 4-6, 2010 in Austin, TX. This meeting is for pastors, church-planters, and those interested in the redemption and renewal of their community and city. Verge offers tools to build gospel movements in any environment. Speakers include Francis Chan, Hugh Halter, Alan Hirsch, David Garrison, Dave Gibbons, Jeff Vanderstelt, David Watson. Topics include: Counter Intuitive Movement Principles, Entrepreneurial Environments, Multi-ethnic Missional Community, Incarnational Evangelism in Pluralistic Society, Social Innovation Initiatives, and more. Space is limited. Early Bird and Group Specials offered.
I know Alan and have received some internet/phone based coaching from Hugh & Matt. These guys are humble servants who are encouraging us to be ‘biblical pioneers’. If they are involved, I recommend it!