Thanks much to ReachGlobal, who shared with us their guidelines for social networking sites. The author, their Dir. of Special Initiatives, was kind enough to grant us permission to publish it here as a seed for further thoughts on how to relate to Facebook. Thanks for your work, your unselfishness, and your willingness to help all of us grapple with these issues, Lindsay!
For quite awhile I have been concerned about social networking sites such as Orkut. I have been slow in catching up with all this…there
is not alot of guidance for ministries as Social networking on the internet is quite new.
The challenges it presents youth workers and ministries are quite considerable as it raises questions we have never had to address
before. It has created a whole new world for children and young people to enter which makes it very difficult for parents to monitor.
It makes things complicated for ministries. As it gives access to people who may want to take control over a group of young people you
are working with
How does this affect a ministry? We are in a position of trust before God to take care of those children or young people who are
under our care – Also parents are trusting us to ensure the safety of their offspring. What social networking sites do is undermine the
authority of those legitimatly held accountable by God when children and young people are under age users. Social Networking sites like
Orkut give other people the opportunity to speak into the lives of those under our care. It gives others the opportunity to usurp the
authority of a ministry by giving them access to children and young people. It also gives people the opportunity to write things which may not be helpful.
A while ago we had some problems a past volunteer. It wasnt malicious. But we never had the opportunity to give our consent.
And in this case we really would have preferred if the person had not made the comments in a public place like Orkut. Anyhow it made us have a discussion about what we should do. And this is our policy below which others may find useful who are dealing with the same issues.
The decision about our policy for Social Networking websites and the internet.
Orkut I understand is for adults and not to be used by young people under the age of 18 yrs. I think that is the general case for Social
networking sites. I joined Orkut last year as I needed to understand the social networking phenomenon. I found quite a few of the young
people we know are part of Orkut and they are under age users. If its prohibited for children and young people under age to use it…..Then
really adults should not be contacting under age users. Orkut has said that the accounts of under age users will be at risk for removal. This
information can be found if googled for. Social networking has become very popular but it is both seedy and disturbing and alot of problems
occur. If I were the parents of these young people or children I would be rather concerned as young people with draw into their online world and circle of friends which is difficult for parents to monitor. Young people
are drawn to it like Bees to honey and It isnt surprising problems are occuring around the world.
We cannot hide our children away. But we certainly have a duty to protect our children and encourage them to pursue better things.
Because of the responsibility we have as a ministry, all volunteers, visitors or workers who wish to be part of our project. will be required to refrain from using social networking websites to make contact with the young people or children we work with via the internet or email. Any contact will be through us.
Hope this is helpful – Anybody in ministry with kids need all the help they can get.