Interested in keeping track of new comments to a particular Brigada item? (Peter was.) Say one of our items asks for input on recommended shippers. Just go to that item and click “Comment” below it. Enter a one-line comment like this: “Subscribing…” or “Notify me please”. You’ll notice you’re now given the choice of being notified by email each and every time a Brigada participant enters an additional new comment.(Note: You might have to register a Google ID, but it’s free and they guarantee no spam / never sell to their Google members.) Just fill out your complete email address and now, just like that, every new entry will trigger a notification email to you. (Peter, hope that helps!)
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Keep in mind, this notification is “item specific”, meaning that you’ll need to register for each item in which you’re interested. The upside is — you won’t be pestered with comments on items for which you’re not.