In the Kingdom of God, there’s a place for everyone, but I suppose not all of us are comfortable in leadership positions. Lately I’ve been asking myself, how does one recognize leadership potential? This is coming up in my life this week because I have to oversee the process of appointing captains of the soccer team I coach. One approach is for me to just assign them. Another would be for me to pick one and let players vote for another. A third would be to just boldly allow them to vote on all 2 or 3 captains’ positions.

The same thing comes up on mission teams. Do we just set it up so that the team members vote for someone as team leader? Or do we just let the regional guy *appoint* a team leader. (Our organization currently does the latter.) What’s your protocol… or, if you had it to do over again, what would you recommend for others.

But beyond mere *practice*, what are the qualities you look for in budding young leaders? Steadfastness under pressure? Ability to handle stressful situations without panic? Intelligence? Sensitivity? Diplomacy? Ability to grasp the vision? What are your favorite “top five” characteristics for leaders? Just click on “comment” below this item and have at it. Please help us assemble a body of knowledge, links & pointers, and life lessons. Thanks!
