We hope you like what we’ve done to the place at:


As this email goes out the door, we’ve now finished transferring all 13 years worth of Brigada Today editions into the new “Web 2.0” format. You can search by text, by date, or by tag. (See the fancy “drop down” menu when searching by year. It’s fun!) Finally you can look for items by category! (People have been asking for this for *years*. We kept putting it off because we knew it would take too long to make. It did.) But the best part of all is that now you can comment and create *threads* of conversations on any Brigada topic, either by name or anonymously. And we don’t have to monitor “comment-spam”. (In the months leading up to this change, we would sometimes be spammed by 1500 comments in one week!) Please, please spread the word in your church, agency, and family. It would be a crying shame to go to all this work and then have nobody use it. (“What if we threw a party and nobody came!?” :-( ) :-)