You already know the answer to that question. Once we reach our budgeted needs of $17,150 for 2008, we don’t mention finances again for the rest of the year! What would it be like if some generous soul(s) stepped forward to help us make that budget *early* in 2008. Want to help today? Just click on the “Sponsor/Donate” page:
You can pull the money from your PayPal account or from any major credit card. Or if you prefer, send a check payable to Team Expansion to: Team Expansion (Brigada secretary), 13711 Willow Reed Dr., Louisville, KY 40299. (Team Expansion is a 501(c)3 incorporation so for USA citizens, your checks made out to Team Expansion are tax-deductible.) As always, be sure to let us know if you’d like us to promote any particular service or ministry, or if you’d prefer your gift be anonymous. And thank you in advance for helping.
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