In this issue….
Brigada, pronounced “bree-GAH-dah” (rhymes with armada), is the rough equivalent of a “brigade” — in Russian, Spanish, Portuguese, and even Filipino! The idea is to stand side by side to pass buckets of hope for those most in need of Christ’s eternal message! Check out nearly 5 years of weekly back issues at
https://brigada.org. See recent back issues and links at
Brigada Today is compiled by Doug Lucas
DLucas@teamexpansion.org, Louisville, KY.

And we do mean 1999! (How in the world did
last week’s edition borrow a paragraph from
last year’s conference info! I must have been sleep-keyboarding again!

) The 4th Annual Medical Mission Conference will be held at Southeast Christian Church November 12 – 13, 1999, in Louisville, Kentucky. To me, this conference is the premier medical missions event of each and every year. I haven’t heard of
anything that rivals its depth
and breadth. Check out speakers, workshops, displays, missions orgs, and mingle with hundreds of like-minded med-types. This is the event. Southeast Christian Church’s new facility is located on Blankenbaker Parkway, just off the Blankenbaker Road exit on Interstate 64. Details for the conference including hotel information and conference registration are available on the conference web site at:
http://www.medicalmissions.com or by calling Stephanie at: 502-253-8950 ext. 4725.

Yahooo! Here’s a new Bible-study course called “Path to God’s Glory” that you’ll want to incorporate into your plan for fostering greater world vision in the local church. Its design allows for individual, small group, and classroom study in either a four- or eight-week format. Study God’s master plan from Genesis through Revelation, God’s redemptive movement over the last 4,000 years, practical ways for individuals and groups to join God in His plan today, and tons more. To order, please call (in the USA or via net2Phone) 1-800-366-9673 or (elsewhere) (502) 253-8200. Or email
PathToGodsGlory@juno.com or snail-mail Southeast Christian Church, Attn: Missions Department, 920 Blankenbaker Parkway, Louisville, KY 40243-1845. Great work, Joe
markulike@aol.com. It’s finally done!
He’s done it again! Ken has assembled a great file on cults . . . and you can grab it for free by sending an email message to:
cults-resources@brigada.worldchurches.org. As always, we’re greatly grateful for those who put together these super resources for the
Brigada family!
Get this… Youth with A Mission’s University of the Nation is now ready to train you to minister to people living with HIV/AIDS. They’ve got a new school running on the Kona Campus in October 2000 with topics like, “HIV/AIDS Fact and Fiction, God’s Character to love people living with HIV/AIDS, Spiritual Bondage of sexual and drug addictions, Pre & Post Test Counseling, Death, Dying and handling Greif, Self-care.” Now you can educate yourself and the world and take the fear out of AIDS/HIV. For more info., write Sue at

A Chinese man was angry when his wife returned late from a Christian gathering one day. He began to beat her with his belt and screamed that he would only stop when his belt broke in two. “Strangely, the belt broke right then…”, he wrote to the Christian radio station FEBC. “My wife didn’t hold it against me, but simply remained quiet. I was ashamed and unable to sleep, so eventually woke my wife and asked her to forgive me. I thought that God would most likely not accept such an evil person as me, but my wife told me that God loved me and would save all those who believed in him. I confessed my sins and prayed with my wife.”
(Source: Far East Broadcasting Corporation
http://www.febc.org via FridayFax 1999 issue 41, 15 October
Global Glimpse is compiled by John Hanna, Caleb Project, Littleton, CO.

Have you heard about Global Leadership School 2000? It’s Bethany World Prayer Center’s brand spankin’ new discipleship program designed to propel this generation of youth into the harvest field. It’s an intensive discipleship and ministry training program to teach young future leaders how to shake the world through Prayer, Cell Church Ministry and an unrelenting passion for Unreached People Groups. Call or write today for a comprehensive application and information packet: tel. 225-774-1700 or email
gls2000@bethany.com. You can also check out
Now you can! Just grab Ken’s new file on resources for reaching the sightless… by sending a message to:
blind-resources@brigada.worldchurches.org. It’ll be emailed to your doorstep. Great work Ken!
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TO UNSUBSCRIBE — Send email to brigada-today-unsubscribe@egroups.com. (Subject and text are ignored.)
IF IT DOESN’T WORK — Write Don & Judy, our Customer Services Managers at help@brigada.org. Yahooooo for volunteers!!!
COPYRIGHT — This issue of Brigada Today is Copyrighted © 2001. However, permission is granted to freely redistribute these materials, including those available through email autoresponders, provided that such redistribution is to those who will help the Good News of Christianity to reach the unreached. But please include this phrase: “For a free subscription of Brigada‘s weekly missions publication, write <brigada-today-subscribe@egroups.com>.”
IMPORTANT: To copy or reproduce Brigada Today for any other reason is illegal and is not permitted.
DISCLAIMER — Please note that there’s no way we can possibly screen all the text on all the web sites or items we recommend. We try to check them out first… but if we miss something, please don’t assume that the opinions on those sites are identical to those of the Brigada family of networks. “Eat the corn, leave the cob!” 
For subscription questions or problems, write help@brigada.org.
SUBMITTING CONTENT — To submit content or ideas to Brigada Today, first please get a copy of “Guidelines for submitting items to Brigada” Then, once you’ve composed your item in keeping with those guidelines, send your item for Brigada Today to DLucas@teamexpansion.org.
Thanks to for hosting the Brigada mailing list.
Emphasis is placed on items relating to unreached peoples and challenges faced by those reaching them cross-culturally.
PLEASE DON’T SUBSCRIBE US TO YOUR LIST — It’s always better to ask before manually force-adding anyone to your list-serve or mailing list. Recently, tons of well-meaning people have been subscribing Doug to their lists. Since he often travels overseas, he doesn’t join many of those, for obvious reasons (like being charged big-time for overseas access). So as a general rule, please don’t bulk-mail us! See the note above if you’d like to submit items for Brigada Today. Thanks for understanding. Bottom line: We will never create Brigada Today items from bulk mail. Bulk mail gets deleted immediately — sorry. Nothing personal. We suggest you apply the same standard to everyone. Ask first!
WARNING ABOUT FORWARDING EMAILS — Please, before forwarding any kind of request (even if it says “please send this to all your friends”), please check to make sure it has a VERIFIABLE ORIGIN, a VERIFIABLE PURPOSE, and a VERIFIABLE CLOSURE (OPC). By following this simple approach, many “email viruses” could be nipped in the bud… at least in the Brigada family. More information about the full Brigada OPC protocol is available. Thank you.
Global Glimpses: John Hanna, Caleb Project, jhanna@cproject.com
Brigada Website: Bob Mayhew, WebServant@brigada.org
Brigada Customer Service Manager: help@brigada.org
Brigada Coordinator: Doug Lucas, Team Expansion & Brigada, DLucas@teamexpansion.org
and many other occasional contributors too numerous to mention!
- But thanks for working together! That’s the dream of Brigada!
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