If you haven’t already given it a try, you might be surprised how much you and your team will like it. Just browse to…




Fill out the brief form so that your domain is recognized, then start inviting people on board. Believe it or not, the entire service is free and encrypted. It’s kind of like Facebook for an individual work group or company, except there are no ads and none of those annoying “apps.” In fact, there isn’t anyone else permitted in your group — except for those who have your same domain. Recently, Microsoft bought it, claiming they wanted it as an alternative to Bridges. They COULD build the technology info something like Office or SharePoint, then shut down Yammer, but it seems unlikely they would do so until we try it. :-)

We’ll leave the light on for you. Oh — it accommodates Apple products too… iPhones, iPads, and more. Anything with a browser will work. Try it. Your team might like it.