We’re always humbled here by those who choose to share from what God has given them. Here’s a Brigada reader serving the Lord as a missionary with ABWE in Brazil, enclosing a note that reads, “when I see a resource on Brigada that I think will be useful to someone, I pass it on. Thanks so much!”. She anonymously enclosed $50 from her heart. That’s what keeps us going in the middle of the night sometimes, sending out these Brigada Todays… because it’s obvious that some people want to jump in there and partner with us to make this happen. How can we ever quit? One friend from Arkansas sent $2.49 (we greatly appreciate all sizes of gifts!). His wife and he work in Central Europe among the Roma people (gypsies). This gift was leftover in his PayPal account from a sale on eBay. Great idea. Some faithful friends at OMF’s office in Denver sent $200. We’re bowled over by their partnership. Another reader from Topeka sent $50 more. Having lost a son-in-law this past year, he also enclosed the items above on grief. We also received a $25 gift from a Michigan Criminal Defense Lawyer. See the URL at


Another $25 came from a Wycliffe worker. He hoped his gift would prompt others in Wycliffe to match him. A reader from Oregon gave $100. Now I know why they call it the *Great* Pacific Northwest! Thanks to “ICE” for the $50 gift. They wrote, “The International Council of Ethnodoxologists (ICE) — a network for culturally appropriate Christian worship — has been delighted to partner with Brigada from our very inception. Because we are a non-profit ministry, Brigada has been the primary way that we could afford to spread the news about our most significant events and services. You are a unique and irreplaceable partner in ministry, and we are grateful beyond words for your faithfulness.” (Learn more about them by reading the item in the #1 spot above.) Thanks also to the Canadian who gave $100! She wrote, “I do want to say to you how very much I have appreciated reading Brigada for – at least – the last 10 years. I glean at least 2 – 3 items each time that I think might be useful to me or people in my sphere of influence. I’ve wanted to give something for a long time. … Typically I use Visa but until you included a note about Paypal and the choice on your website to click on a credit card instead, I didn’t think I could use your website to make a “secure” payment. So I thought, ‘Aha! I can do this!’ ” To our Canadian, and all other friends, thank you!!!