This past week while prepping for a strategic planning course I (Doug) have to teach for a grad school later this month, I needed an accurate script for 20 hours of training videos. One option: I could try to hire a fast typist to watch the entire 20-hour training course. The approximate cost might have been (at least) $400 or so – and it would have taken at least 3 days to churn out. What’s more, my typist would have had weary fingers, to say the least. Instead, by God’s grace, I found an accurate new AI tool. I downloaded the training videos then uploaded them into the AI tool, clicked a button, then went to bed. By the time I got up, I had a beautifully-clean 500-page manuscript. Now I had to transcribe to English. But it could have done the same thing in 21 other languages. If your job is less than 20 hours, the time required will be less (maybe much less). Cost: $30. Time: for 20 hours of video training = overnight. Man. We live in amazing times, right? To check out the tool I used, just click to: You’ll love it. Plot-spoiler: the tool does a lot more than transcribe.