If you were equipping new Missions Mobilizer, what would you put in the toolkit? What resources would be “core curriculum,” so to speak. I remember a little book back in the 80’s called “The Hidden Half.” I don’t remember the author’s name… and it seems to have vanished off the book lists even on the web. But it was a great “just add water” mobilizer’s book… to help someone aquire the fire, so to speak, then pass it on. Which books or websites would be in your list? Would any of these make your go-to books?

Life-changing encounters, Caleb Project — Originally assembled as a kind of guidebook or manual for churches and agencies who were doing prayer journeys and vision trips during the “AD2000 & Beyond” mobilization decade of the 90’s, this manual taught the church and agency how go on-sight and write a profile about an unreached people group. Great resource to this day, if you can find one.

Exploring the Land, Shane Bennett — This more academic version of the above was written to help an ethnographic researcher (or research team) prepare a more extensive booklet (or book) about an unreached people or place.

Vision of the Possible, by “Daniel Sinclair” (pseudonym) is a real keeper. It might be the best book documenting the overall on-field process EVER. How to reach an unreached people group or city, for the team leader and the on-site team.

Operation World, originally by Patrick Johnstone, now by Jason Mandryk, looks at the world one country at a time, revealing church growth to date plus prayer requests for tomorrow.

When Helping Hurts, by Corbett and Fikkert, informs the church or agency about poverty and how to help it without causing harm.

Radical, by David Platt, challenges the assumptions of local churches by advocating for a more engaged lifestyle and outreach paradigm .

Serving as Senders, by Neal Pirolo, explains how volunteers from a local church can become more engaged as sending groups for missionaries and their families.

I Think God Wants me to Be a Missionary, also by Neal Pirolo, helps a would-be missionary clarify and grow his/her calling.

In the Gap, by Dave Bryant, is an old book, now somewhat dated, but still challenges assumptions about the world in which we live, advocating a stepped-up prayer life and a more engaged outreach approach.

There have to be more that I’m not remembering right now. Which books, videos, or websites would you add? Please just click “comment” after the online version of this item, then add your favorite(s). Thanks in advance for any help you can render.
