I remain committed to learning how to use visuals, such as those at…
to tell our stories. And with Visual.ly, at least I don’t have to be a professional informational graphic artist to churn out useful and interesting charts. I just need some time… and apparently not money. If you’re still wondering what IS Visually, check out the video at…
Basically, it’s a place to create, share and explore great visualizations — which is cool for anyone writing or publishing reports, web stories, fundraising appeals, and more. Which is basically YOU. :-) (Thanks for pointing me to Visual.ly, Caleb.)
This looks like a “commissioned” service, where you bid out a project…kinda like Brigada did with their new logo. So, Caleb, you say “no money”…really? are you sure? I’d like to know if anyone has actually tried it. These info-graphics are made using Adobe After Effects, which is a labor-intensive video effects program…so someone is spending time on this.
Anyone else want to weigh in on this?
I got all excited,and created a fan account, since it said I’d be able to create. But I think we define “create” differently. Perhaps what they really meant was “have something created for you.
I don’t see where anyone can create their own infographics.I see where you can browse already made infographics in various categories (to see what can be done and perhaps a designer you’d like to work with, (‘Exlplore”), a place for professionals to read about industry developments etc. (Blog) and then a place to begin a project (Maerketplace) This is where you tell them what you are looking for and then they can tell you how they can help and how much it will cost… infographics start around 1K!
If I am missing something and this really is a place where one can play around and generate their own infographic, I’d LOVE to know!!