Year: 2009

1) Your Favorite Book List?

Several have written in asking for a different sort of reading list than the one we provided last month. I guess it’s a subjective thing… but on the whole, some were wanting books that were more inspirational than...

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2) For The Bloggers Among Us

Are you aware of a decent (or even *great*) blog? Brigada participant, Ken, would like to learn from some effective bloggers. Would you be able to give him some exemplary blog authors. If you have a favorite, just hit...

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3) Learn About Copyrights

You know… I’m ashamed to admit… one of the most helpful websites for me, in regard to understanding copyright law, has been… in that it provides sample letters and...

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4) Your Hard Drive Running Low On Space?

If so, check out our item…… which explains how to transfer your important files from one machine to the next. There are help files on the software...

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5) School Staffing Needs In Central Asia

(Afghanistan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan and Turkey) Here’s a school that needs teachers for the 2009-2010 school year. Some positions are part or fully paid. They’re looking for an Elementary Principal,...

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6) Check Out The Issachar Network

The vision of the Issachar Network is to encourage congregations around the world to operate as one cohesive force to understand God’s current plans and desires without sacrificing their God-given diversity and become...

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8) Filled With Gratitude

We’re very thankful for those who help us pay the bills. Here’s a new participant from Weyers Cave, VA, who sent $50. Another long-time friend sent $100, thereby becoming another “True Fan” of Brigada....

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9) Easy To Give To Brigada

Just click on one of the “Donate” links above. Both are safe, the one with PayPal and the other with one of the most well-known online merchant accounts you’ll ever meet. Neither require you to open an account...

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