Year: 2009

1) Global (SIM Card) Cell Provider

Here’s a great service for anyone wanting to keep in touch while traveling abroad. They provide a Global SIM card that can be used with any GSM Tri or Quad band phone to travel just about anywhere in the world. You will...

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2) Learn Holistic Ministry

The Chalmers Center offers a series of two distance courses on conducting economic development ministry. The initial course is called Foundations and Principles of Holistic Ministry. It helps you understand appropriate goals and...

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3) Multilingual MK’s

I’ve got a great friend in North Africa who wrote, this past week, to say, “As missionaries my wife and I are not only trying to learn the three languages that surround us daily, we’re hoping our kids will,...

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4) Momentum Magazine Moves To Strategic Network

Have you noticed that Justin Long has moved his content from Momentum Magazine over to Strategic Network? (Thanks Wilma!) See the site at: model here seems to be that there is much free...

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5) Safe water for Pennies

Here’s absolute bacteria and virus protection in a light weight water purifier-filter. This product reportedly provides 5 gallons of safe water from any source in 42 minutes. Using new technology developed for kidney...

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6) M-Dat Partners With Askamissionary.Com

Mission Data International (M-DAT) entered into an agreement with John McVay of Tulsa, Oklahoma, that brings into M-DAT’s family of websites. Work is underway to overhaul the website,...

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7) Annual Internet Evangelism Focus Day In April

Internet Evangelism Day is set for the last Sunday of April. This international web awareness day, for churches, missions, colleges or any Christian group, aims to demonstrate the potential of the Web for effective...

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8) Leadership And Partnership Book

Working in partnership in a cross-cultural context can be quite a challenge. Often different leadership styles can cause misunderstanding and friction. Here’s a new book by Ralph Schubert that features a dialogue between...

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9) Rethinking Forum For Hindu Ministry

The 7th Annual North American Consultation for folks with an interest in contextual Hindu ministry will take place from April 18-20, 2009 in Pasadena, CA. For a complete brochure, email

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